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Magic Items - 1d100 magic items for (almost) every moment
by Steve [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/30/2023 00:04:14

Whimsical but at times droll and perhaps some of the humor (?) is better in a language other than English ? I can say "Expert Oar" and "Pipe of the Mentor" are my favorites. The proof-reading failed in a score of places, e.g. "Seashell of Truth. Approach this seashell on your ears to listen the mellifluous swash of the waves. It can also be used as payment to benefit of the help of a marine serpent." and "Abundance pot. If you cook a meal in this pot, it will serve 1d10 ad many portions you out in it. You will not prepare more banquets as before! " and "Torn up network. It emits slight bluish glows. Only useful for capturing spirits (ST: medium, Wis). " and "Rewinding rope. You can tug the rope after use it, to recall it in your hand. The knots you made magically melt. You can make knots that no one can melt." (IMHO #88 seems self-referential to this RagingBarbarian )

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Magic Items - 1d100 magic items for (almost) every moment
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One Page Putrid Dungeon: Rites of Pestilence
by Giuseppe M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/14/2021 08:51:47

The greatest barbarian in the RPG. Each of his new works shows improvements from previous ones. In some time he will be the king of all barbarians.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
One Page Putrid Dungeon: Rites of Pestilence
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One Page Putrid Dungeon: Rites of Pestilence
by Francesco P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/12/2021 15:44:23

I love it, Old Raging Barbarian it's the best in this game

[5 of 5 Stars!]
One Page Putrid Dungeon: Rites of Pestilence
by Davide D. M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/12/2021 14:09:07

Great work, Awesome , grim arts and really evil dungeon **

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Giuseppe M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/28/2020 07:00:35


Hei, voi. Si voi che state leggendo questa recensione. So che siete in cerca di un nuovo modulo d' avventura per deliziarvi con la vostra compagnia di sodali, e io ho il compito di avvisarvi che siete giunti nel luogo giusto. Questo modulo, non basandosi su nessun particolare sistema di gioco, presenta una flessibilità degna di attenzione che vi permetterà di adattarlo ai vostri scopi senza alcuna fatica: si adatta a gruppi di varia esperienza e dimensione. In conclusione date una possibilità a questo lavoro, non ve ne pentirete, prometto!


Hey, you. Yes you who are reading this review. So you are looking for a new adventure module to delight you with your company, and I have the task of warning you that you have come to the right place. This module, not relying on any particular game system, presents a flexibility worthy of attention that is adapted to your guests without any effort: it adapts to groups of various experience and size. In conclusion given a chance at this job, you won't regret it, I promise!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Onore Immortale
by Giuseppe M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/20/2019 16:49:58

Il gioco si è dimostrato veramente una grandissima sorpresa. Immediato e adatto per one-shot con molti giocatori , ma personalmente gli elementi che più mi hanno colpito sono gli otto personaggi che fornisce il modulo e l' uso sapiente dell' OSR(Old School Renaisance) che combinati danno vita a colpi di scena e situazioni veramente interessanti. Consiglio a tutti di dare una possibilità a questo gioco e di supportare l' autore

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Onore Immortale
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Onore Immortale
by Davide V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/19/2019 20:56:00


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